Industry NewsFive details to make blood flow throughout the body

Blood vessels are the transport channels for human blood

Once the blood vessel is blocked

organ ischemia

cause various discomforts

even life-threatening

How to prevent blood vessel blockage?

How do keep blood vessels healthy?

Let’s answer them one by one



Thrombosis loves to find these types of people


Thrombosis is a small piece of blood formed on the surface of the inner surface of the cardiovascular system at the peeling off or repairing of the place. It is clinically divided into venous thrombus and arterial thrombus. Once the thrombus falls off, it will flow to various parts of the body with the blood, causing blockages, and resulting in no blood supply to the related organs.

For example, blockage in the brain can lead to cerebral infarction, blockage in the cardiovascular system can induce myocardial infarction, and accumulation in the lungs is pulmonary embolism.

The following categories of people are susceptible to thrombosis «preferred»:

  • People with a genetic predisposition

Such people encounter other predisposing factors, such as increasing age, lower extremity sprain, long-term bed rest, pregnancy and childbirth, etc., which may lead to thrombosis.

  • High blood pressure

Long-term elevated blood pressure can harden blood vessels, increase blood viscosity, and promote thrombosis. Long-term elevation or fluctuation of blood pressure can easily damage the vascular intima, cause atherosclerosis, and form a thrombus.

  • Diabetic

Long-term high blood sugar can easily lead to arteriosclerosis and thickening of the arterial intima. Coupled with a hyperglycemic state, the fibrinolysis and coagulation systems may become unbalanced, resulting in increased blood viscosity, leading to thrombosis.

  • Smokers

Nicotine, a harmful ingredient in tobacco, can damage the intima of blood vessels, causing lipids and inflammatory cells to accumulate in the blood vessels, thereby forming a mural thrombus. Nicotine stimulates vasoconstriction, making blood clots worse.

  • People who sit or stand for long periods of time

When sitting for a long time, the muscle contractions of the legs decrease and the blood flow of the lower extremities slows down. Inactivity for 3 hours in a row will increase the risk of venous thrombosis; standing for a long time will make the calf muscles too tense, which will affect the blood flow and promote the formation of thrombosis.

  • Those with a history of thrombosis

Patients with a history of blood clots are more likely to get another blood clot.


Several symptoms suggest blood vessels may be blocked


Early detection of the signs of vascular blockage and timely implementation of necessary measures is crucial to saving lives.

  • Sudden chest tightness—Watch out for pulmonary embolism

If you suddenly feel chest tightness and tightness when you stand up after sitting or lying in bed for a long time, you should be alert to the possibility of pulmonary embolism caused by venous thrombosis in the lower extremities and blocking the pulmonary artery.

Pulmonary embolism is very dangerous and can lead to sudden death in severe cases. Therefore, if the above symptoms appear, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible.

  • Chest pain—Suspected coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction

Coronary heart disease is called «coronary atherosclerotic heart disease».

Coronary arteries are blood vessels that supply blood to the heart. If a blockage or stenosis occurs, the blood supply to the heart will be limited, and severe ischemia will result in chest pain.

  • Weakness on one side—Beware of the heart attack

Sudden onset of weakness in one extremity (both upper and lower extremity) suggests a blockage of a cerebral or carotid artery. At the same time, it may also be accompanied by slurred speech, one side of the mouth and eyes, and blurred vision.

If these symptoms occur, regardless of whether they resolve on their own or not, please seek medical attention in time.

  • Leg pain when walking—Watch out for blockages in lower extremity arteries

The arteries of the extremities are responsible for the blood supply to the upper and lower extremities. In the case of lower extremity vascular ischemia, leg pain may occur when walking, which can be relieved after rest, and then reappears when walking again.

If the blockage of the lower extremity arteries is ignored and the disease progresses further, it may lead to severe ischemia of the lower extremities, the skin temperature will drop, the pulse of the dorsum of the foot and the posterior tibial artery will weaken or disappear, and the lower extremity pain will also be felt at rest (ie, rest pain), and further development Limbs may rupture, wounds that do not heal, and even tissue necrosis (gangrene).

Diabetic patients are more likely to develop lower extremity lesions and must pay special attention.

Five details to raise healthy blood vessels

A healthy lifestyle can slow down vascular ageing

Be mindful of these habits

  • Quit smoking

When smoking, harmful substances such as nicotine in tobacco will stimulate the vascular motor centre, and stimulate the release of epinephrine and norepinephrine in the body, causing the heart rate to increase peripheral vasoconstriction, and blood pressure to rise. Therefore, try not to smoke and stay away from second-hand smoke in your life.

  • Healthy diet

Heavy-flavoured diets such as high oil, high salt, and high sugar will make the blood thicker and increase the burden on the blood flow. In life, eat more fruits and vegetables, and eat less greasy and fried food.

  • Exercise regularly

Exercise can improve blood circulation, significantly reduce blood lipids, blood pressure and weight, relieve stress, and make you happy. It is recommended to choose aerobic exercise such as jogging, brisk walking, swimming, cycling, etc., for 30 minutes each time, 5 times a week.

  • Work and rest rules

Staying up late can easily disrupt the biological clock, causing the body to secrete too much adrenaline and norepinephrine, thereby slowing blood flow and increasing its viscosity. Try to keep a regular schedule and go to bed before 11 pm.

  • Regular physical examination

Develop a healthy concept of regular physical examination, pay attention to indicators such as body weight, waist circumference, blood pressure, blood lipids, blood sugar, etc., and control them within the normal range. Once the data is abnormal, consult a doctor in time, actively intervene and treat, and minimize the risk.

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